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Notice of Privacy Rights
This notice describes how health information about you may be used an disclosed and how you can gain access to your individually identifiable health information. Please review this notice carefully.
Protecting your health information is important to us. We have developed certain practices to protect your health information which describe how, when, and why we may use and disclose your health information, as well as your rights with regards to your health information. This pamphlet summarizes the privacy practices of OrthoKinetix. You are entitled to receive and review our full-length legal notices of privacy practices. You may obtain a copy of our Notice of Privacy Policies on our website or by calling (909) 477-3117.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is a federal law known as “HIPAA.” This law provides certain protections for any of your heath information that can be specifically identified as your own. HIPAA allows us to use your health information and/or share it with another health care provider or insurance company in the following circumstances at any time and for any reason in order to stop future disclosures of your health information. Information that was disclosed before you revoked your authorization will not be returned, and any actions that we have already taken based on prior authorizations will not be affected.
Patient Rights Regarding Personal Health Information
HIPAA and our privacy practices allow you the following rights regarding your personal health information:
Restricting Use/Disclosure. You may request, in writing, a restriction on how we use or disclose your health information. However, we are not required to agree to your request for restriction, and any approved restriction may only be followed to the extent permitted by law.
Requesting Confidential Communications. You may request, in writing, reasonable changes in how or where we may contact you, such as to remind you of appointments or to discuss your treatment.
Inspecting and Obtaining Copies of your Health Information. You may request, in writing, to obtain a copy of certain portions of your health information. A fee may be associated with your request.
Requesting a Change to your Health Information. You may request, in writing, to change or amend certain parts of your health information, as allowed by law. We are not able to delete any information from your records.
Requesting an Accounting of Disclosures of your Health Information. You may request, in writing, an accounting of certain disclosures of your health information that you did not specifically authorize.
Questions and Complaints
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy procedures, or your patient rights, please feel free to contact us at the address and/or phone number listed below.
Please contact us immediately if: You are concerned that we may have violated your privacy rights. You disagree with a decision we have made to use or disclose your personal health information. You would like to request a restriction to how or to whom we disclose your health information. You would like us to contact you through an alternative method or at an alternative location. You would like to review or amend you health information.
You may submit a written complaint to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services if you feel any of your rights have been violated.
We support your rights to the privacy of your health information. You will not be penalized or retaliated against in any way should you choose to voice your opinion or file a complaint.
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