How to Order.
Our goal is to make the ordering process as simple as possible for you and your staff. All orders are processed in a timely manner. Your patients will be contacted as soon as we receive your order. Our staff is knowledgeable on our product line and are able to answer your questions by phone or email. We are an accredited Participating Medicare Provider and we accept most insurances. We verify patient’s insurance and advise patients of any co-pays or deductibles that they will be responsible for. Choose one of the options below to place your order with OrthoKinetix.
Option 1 / Call Customer Service
Call (844) DMEORDERS and provide demographics, insurance, information and the prescribed product information to a product specialist. Our product specialists are available to answer questions regarding both product and insurance coverage. OrthoKinetix will call the patient to explain their financial responsibility and to schedule an appointment.
Option 2 / Fax an Order form
Fax a copy of the patient’s demographics sheet along with their prescription and a copy of their insurance cards to (909) 303-9244. The order will be processed immediately and routed to a local technician who will contact the patient to make arrangements for delivery
Option 3 / Email an Order Form
Email patient’s demographics sheet, prescription, and a copy of their insurance cards to: orders@orthokinetix.net. You can also order online at www.orthokinetixnet. Please let us know if you require a confirmation of your order and we would be glad to give you a call or send you an email.